Cosheston VC Primary School - Safeguarding Our Children.....
Cosheston VC School fully recognises the contribution it makes to child protection. Our school is committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and will take action to safeguard their well-being. Children have a right to protection.
Our safeguarding policy can be seen here:
Designated members of staff are Mrs. K Adams and Mrs D Cheshire-Davies
The Governor responsible for safeguarding is Mrs Eleanor Jarrold.
More information is available here: https://safeguarding.wales/
Our school has earned a reputation for providing a secure and stimulating environment in which pupils can grow and learn. We have recently undergone a Local Authority Safeguarding Healthcheck and this had a very positive outcome with our school being described as: school with very happy children with robust processes in place.
We value this reputation and continue to work to provide a wide range of balanced learning opportunities for all pupils, opportunities that not only fulfil their educational needs, but also help them develop into independent and responsible people.
Through the general ethos of the school, we encourage the development of strong relationships in order that children in need of support can feel safe in sharing concerns.
Our updated Safeguarding policy can be found here:
‘We all share a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, whether as a parent or family member, a friend or neighbour, an employer or as a paid or volunteer worker. All members of the community can help to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and should act to do so if they have concerns about a child’s welfare.’ (Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act.)
Procedures are in place to ensure that all visitors to the school can easily be identified and accounted for by wearing a badge. Visitors and parents must report to the Head Teacher.
Safeguarding leaflets for parents, visitors, staff and pupils are distributed to all stakeholders and are available at school.
Cosheston VC School works with multi-disciplinary partners within the statutory framework established by:
- Wales Safeguarding Procedures
- Pembrokeshire Safeguarding Children Board (PSCB)
Our policy applies to all staff working in the school, anyone may be the first point of disclosure for a child or a concerned parent. The Child Protection Policy will be reviewed annually under the direction of the Local Authority Designated Officer for Safeguarding in Education, taking into account any new policy documentation and/or guidance.
If you or others have concerns about the welfare of a child or young person, you must report it immediately. For information, advice or assistance please contact the Child Care Assessment Team (CCAT).
Contact Us:-
Child Care Assessment Team: 01437 776444
Social Services out of Hours: 0300 333 2222
In an emergency ring 999
Non-emergency: 101
Estyn Inspection ReportEstyn Inspection Report June 2024
Please see attached letterOperation Encompass