Our School Day
The School Day
The School opens for Breakfast Club at 8.20am - this is open to all pupils and breakfast is available between 8.20am and 8.30am.
We encourage pupils not attending Breakfast Club to arrive between 8.50am and 9am so they are ready to start the day. Parents are asked to encourage their children to be punctual at all times.
Dosbarth Enfys (Nursery and Rec)
Morning Session (Part-time)
9am - 12 noon
Dosbarth Lleuad (Rec - Yr 2)
9am - 3.05pm
Dosbarth Seren Yrs 3-6
9am - 3.20pm
Registration is taken at 9.00am (including lunch orders) and in the afternoon 1pm
Morning playtime
Dosbarth Enfys - flexible, when appropriate/needed
Dosbarth Lleuad/Seren
10.30am - 10.50am
Dosbarth Lleuad
12 noon - 1pm
Dosbarth Seren
12.10pm - 1pm
Breakfast Club
This is a Welsh Government funded initiative. Pupils can attend Breakfast Club at no cost every morning from 8:20am to 8:50am, last entry being at 8:30am in order that breakfast can be served. We ask that this is booked in advance. Pupils will receive cereal and toast.
After School Club
From September 2024
Welsh Club is held on Wednesday after school 3.15pm - 4.15pm
Mrs. Williams' club is held on Thursday after school 3.20pm - 4.15pm
A paid after school provision was available on a Tuesday and Wednesday after school 3.05pm - 5pm - £7.50 per session to include a drink and snack - this ended at Easter 2024 due to low uptake but can be reinstated if enough parents require the provision. Please let us know at school if you would be interested.
At Cosheston VC School we want all of our pupils to achieve success, so it is important that parents do their best to support pupils in attending school for the full 190 days in an academic year, as stated in the Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006.
Under the Education Act (1996), it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their son/daughter attend school and in the event of an absence a phone call on the morning of the first day of absence be made to school. If your child has a medical appointment, the appointment letter must be shown to the class teacher.
The school follows Pembrokeshire County Council's absence policy. Holidays of up to 10 days may be authorised only in exceptional circumstances.
Regular school attendance is vital and missing school can have a significant impact on achievement over a one year period as illustrated below:
95-100% attendance |
Best chance of success |
Your child is taking full advantage of every learning opportunity. |
90-95% attendance |
At least 2 weeks of learning missed |
Satisfactory. Your child may have to spend time catching up with work. |
85-90% attendance |
At least 4 weeks of learning missed |
Your child may be at risk of underachieving and may need extra support from you to catch up with work. |
80-85% attendance |
At least 5 1⁄2 weeks of learning missed |
Your child’s poor attendance has a significant impact on learning. |
Below 80% attendance |
At least 71⁄2 weeks of learning missed |
Your child is missing out on a broad and balanced education. You are at risk of prosecution. |
Procedures Before and After School
Children should be in school no more than 15 minutes before school starts.
At the end of the school day if parents wish to meet their children the gate will be unlocked at the end of the school day and pupils dismissed to a known adult by the teacher.
If parents who normally meet their children at the end of the day are unable to do so, they must inform the school of any alternative arrangements and provide a photograph of the person or a password given.
If no-one arrives to meet pupils the Head Teacher/teacher will keep the child in school and contact parents so that arrangements can be made to get them home safely.
Estyn Inspection ReportEstyn Inspection Report June 2024
Please see attached letterOperation Encompass