Additional Learning Needs
The ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator) is Mrs. K Adams.
'Wales is currently undergoing a transformation of the Additional Learning Needs Code of Practice.
More information can be found here..
The Welsh Government are determined to deliver a fully inclusive education system for learners in Wales, a system where needs are identified early and addressed quickly, and where all learners are supported to reach their potential.
The Welsh Government have advised an extension to the ALN Implementation Time Period: Commencement of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 has been given
School Action/School Action Plus
We have almost completed the transition to the new code
All pupils at school action/school action plus: Nursery, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 8 can be moved between September 2023 to August 2025. Once all pupils have moved to the new code through PCP (Person Centred Planning) meetings then our percentage of ALN pupils will be around 25%.
In order to meet the needs of all our pupils we aim to:
- Get to know our pupils really well and in a holistic way. We meet with parents and relevant agencies in Person Centred Planning meetings and plan from these for high quality teaching, adaptions of the curriculum and resources so that we ensure pupils can access the curriculum.
- Use pupil-friendly targets and needs-based One Page Profiles alongside individual learning plans. Where necessary we issue Individual Development Plans and involve pupils, parents and staff to write, implement and review them.
- Continualy assess and review the learning of our ALN pupils, using the information gained to inform future planning and teaching.
- Ensure teaching assistants support ALN pupils when needed.
- Hold pupil progress meetings for teachers and teaching assistants with the ALNCo, to review pupils, interventions and resources and to adapt provision where necessary.
- Provide strong support for the families of pupils with ALN, and families are also advised of other services and organisations which may offer further advice and support.
- Evaluate the progress and impact of our intervention groups and strategies on a termly basis.
- Use ICT (both hardware and software) to promote access to the curriculum.
- Regularly evaluate and update whole school policies such as those for behaviour, anti-bullying and ALN with the focus being on the impact upon pupils with ALN. Pupils are involved with this process.
- Ensure our school activities and trips are accessible to all pupils.
- Hold regular review meetings with families of pupils with a higher level of ALN.
- Provide on-going training to teachers and teaching assistants in meeting pupils’ needs in the classroom.
- Liaise closely with secondary schools at transition times to ensure ALN pupil information is clearly communicated so that the move to secondary school is as smooth as possible.
For pupils who have a higher level of additional need we aim to
- Support the pupil to work on their individual targets.
- Support access to the curriculum
- Provide pastoral support.
- Deliver specific targeted interventions where necessary.
We seek support and advice from external agencies where needed, usually through the TAPPAS route (Team around the Pupil, Parent and School)
- Access to Dyslexia Screening tools and support
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Referral on to school provision such as ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant),
- Behaviour Support or Nurture Provision.
- Support from the Pembrokeshire County Council Inclusion Service.
Please see the links below for further information:
Ways of supporting learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd
How to support learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
Ways to support learners with Autistic spectrum disorder
An Access and Equality Plan is available in school.
Estyn Inspection ReportEstyn Inspection Report June 2024
Please see attached letterOperation Encompass